Friday, August 5

My Room Has Been Blog-ified

I have collected so many amazing ideas from all of my bloggy friends.  After working in my classroom a lot this summer I think it's almost ready.  I like to say it's been blogified!

This picture was taken standing at my door.  If you look closely you can see the blue posters hanging from the ceiling.  Jan Brady (no, not from the Brady Bunch- ha!) is a first grade teacher at my school (visit her cute blog, First Grade Honey Bunch, here), who came up with this idea to display our word family posters.  Each poster is attached to the blue foam board with velcro.  The boards have wholes punched in the top.  We used the 2" metal rings to hang from a magnetic hook attached to the ceiling.  When I get ready to teach a word family I can easily pull down the poster I need, write on it with a Vis-a Vis Marker and hang it back up.  These stay hanging in the room all year.  Here's a better picture of the posters up close.

 You can see the rings a little bit in this picture.

We attached the word family poster with velcro.  It works great!

My whole class- a view from my table.  You can see I did the same idea with my math posters, hanging from the other wall in my room.

I tried my best to copy DeAnna Jump's tree.  I think it turned out pretty good, but it sure is big!

 A few pictures of my library.  You can't see it, but after reading a post on Ladybug's Teacher Files I decided to number all of my themed book tubs.  That way the kids can easily (hopefully) find where the books belong.  So my tags have the theme "Christmas" and a number "3" on each one.  The new numbers have also been added to the front of each book.  Plus, now they are in ABC order so it should be easier for me to find the tub I need.

I loved the "important times" idea from Amy Lemons.  I really wanted to put the numbers around the clock too (actually I had them printed, laminated and cut out) but I didn't have enough space.  Notice the clock says 11:30.  That's PM.  With young children, it's best to work alone, late at night!

The school wide behavior policy at my school is called "The West Way."  The children know The West Way includes Courtsey, Respect and Responsibility.  So, I printed out the letters, painted them and added the words to my wall.  I also have the days in school (here because I do calendar on the Promethean board) and a tooth tally.

Here's a close up on my Daily "Four" chart.  The kids' names will go on white cards in the blank spaces.  They will move their cards to the correct order at the beginning of the day.  This way we don't waste time marking down their choices.  The chart reads left to right- student name, choice 1, 2, 3, 4 then the next child and their four choices.  I used an old 100s chart pocket chart.

 Our classroom jobs.  I usually only change out jobs once a month.  This gives the kids plenty of time to learn exactly what to do.  The kids' names are written on the ants.

Decoding strategy posters.   I found these on First Grade Factory by Alicia Lochridge
The class compliment chain.  This is a way to reward the whole class for compliments they receive from other teachers (walking in the halls, when teachers come by my room to ask a question, at lunch...)  The poem says "We'll add links to our chain each day for all the compliments we get along the way.  And when the chain and the floor do meet, Mrs. Morse will bring us a special treat!"  I usually will bring popsicles, popcorn, or let them eat lunch in the room- something simple.

Our first unit of study will be watermelons.  My student teacher painted my watermelon sign last year.  I painted the letters this summer.

The first grade team decided we needed to hold children accountable for certain words to be spelled correctly when writing.  Each nine weeks we will add nine more "no excuse words" to the list.  These are the first nine.  They will also be typed on a label and placed on the cover of their journals (and the desks of struggling spellers).

My math tubs on top and drawers full of math games and manipulatives

A close up of my whole group meeting area

I try to have some bulletin boards that stay the same all year.  Once school starts I will take pictures of my class with their 3rd grade book buddies and put them here. 

Here's another simple board for the year.  I need to see a physical calendar, and since we do it on the Promethean Board, I decided to put one in the corner of my room.  Another easy board that needs little attention.  Love it!

The view from another corner of my room

 My bulletin board in the hall. My classroom theme is Morse's Monkeys.  I've put up this same board for 7 years.  Why stop this year!


Miss Toffee said...

Thanks for 'showing' us around your room! It looks great and you have got/ picked up lots of super ideas.
The compliment chain is something I hadn't seen before.


Mrs. S. said...

Marvelous! Thanks for sharing.
I often stay at school late as well. :)

Melly <><

Second Grade Strategies for Sizzlin' Second Graders!

The Yellow Rocking Chair

Tara said...

Your room looks AMAZING and ready to roll!!! You have worked so hard and I love it!!! Love the tree:)) Your kids are so lucky to have such a fun classroom to come into every morning:))

4th Grade Frolics

Busy Bees said...

Your room looks awesome. You have been working hard. Have a wonderful year!!

Kari said...

Your room looks great! Have a great year!

Beth said...

Your room looks fun & functional! Thanks for the tour.

Doodle Bugs said...

looks good.. I am wanting to do the important times clocks too.. just waiting on my schedule to see what my important times are going to be!!!

Tickled Pink Mandy said...

Amazing!!! Love your room!

SunnyDays said...

So many great ideas! Thanks for sharing :)
Sunny Days In Second Grade

Oceans of First Grade Fun said...

I. Love. Your. Room! I got so many great ideas. Thanks for sharing.

Kristen said...

I would love to know what promethean board calendar you use. Could you put a link up?

amy.lemons said...

Looks so good and ready for a new year!

Christina Bainbridge said...

Love the pics!

What is in the water bottles that are in the basket on your shelf with the numbered tubs and the math manipulatives... if you don't mind my asking?

Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

Jeanne said...

Thank you to YOU for sharing your room. It looks amazing! I know the kids will love to come in every morning.

Do you use a desk/small group area?

Kara Jacobs said...

Awwww... LM. I. MISS. YOU! Love the room!

Unknown said...

I love your classroom! You have done a great job. I'm totally jealous of your library and I really like your compliment/link idea. Have a great beginning of the year!

Anonymous said...

I so love the Compliment Chain! I would love to use that in my classroom, I'm going to have to get busy on it!

Lauren Morse said...

Thanks for all of the sweet comments about my room! I love reading all of them :)

Claire, Andi and Kim, the compliment chain is something that many teachers at my school do. I'm always looking for other classes in the hallway to give a compliment too. It's so funny when I say "oh, look at Mrs. ___'s class in the hall. There so nice and quiet!" First, my kids hear me and it reminds them to be on their best behavior. But, then the other class will get excited and usually you hear little whispers "we got a compliment" or "Mrs. ____, Mrs. Morse saw us being quiet in the hall."

Kristen, I created my own calendar for the Promethean Board. I'm not sure how I can share it, but I'll look over it tonight and see. If it's not too big to e-mail I can do that. I might also try uploading it to Promethean Planet and then posting the link.

Christina, I have colored rice in the water bottles. Each one focuses on a different vowel. There are 10 words in each bottle. The kids shake the bottle and find the words and record them. I'll try to post more information about them soon.

Booky4First, I gave up my teacher desk when I moved to a smaller classroom. I have a computer and my chair sitting at a table. I use it as my desk but it also functions as a small group meeting area for my groups.

Kara- I miss you too! My room is extra special because it used to be yours :)

Elizabeth said...

Your room looks wonderful!

- Elizabeth

Anonymous said...

love your room! especially love the compliment chain. would you mind sending me a copy of your chain so i can edit it for my class?! thanks so much!

Deborah Devine said...

My wish for the children of America is that every classroom shows this much thought, planning, and CARING! Thanks for sharing.

Alicia Lochridge said...

I recognize those Word Attack Posters!! I am so flattered…they were a free download from my blog, First Grade Factory. Love your blog. I saw your great ideas on Pinterest.

Alicia Lochridge
First Grade Factory

Shawn said...

For the compliment chain, how do you track compliments from teachers. Verbally handwritten notes ?

erinp said...

I am so new to this! I didn't even know how to leave a message and had to hunt all over! Oh well, I'll catch on! I just wanted to say you have some great ideas and I hope you don't mind if I use a couple here and there! I teach 2nd grade but I'm gettin my masters in SpEd. Wish me luck! Keep up the great work! Thank you

Anonymous said...

Love your room with all your great ideas! New school and new grade for me this year. Like your welcome bulletin board. Thank you.

Brenda said...

I just found your blog, I am interested in posting word families as well. I wondered where you got the posters for each wf??? If you don't mind telling...
Thanks, by the way your room looks great!

Lauren Morse said...

I love the word family posters! I bought them probably 8 years ago, but I'm pretty sure they are still sold. I bought mine at the local Parent Teacher Store.
Thanks for stopping by,

Baby Sobral said...

I am planning a monkey theme in my room next year. I love your swingin in to First Grade board. Did you cut the monkeys yourself?

Lauren Morse said...

Baby Sobral,
Thanks for stopping by. Monkey stuff is easy to find but some of the monkeys look a little weird to me! Those monkeys were bought at the Parent Teacher store. I think they are from Carson Delarosa (sp?). They originally had a blue background on them, so I cut that part off. I think the company sold notepads and the cardstock pack of monkeys that looked the same. To make the large monkey, I just projected one on the wall and traced onto poster board.
Hope that helps!

Lindsay said...

Hi! Like many others, I love the compliment chain! Would you be willing to send an editable version to me? Or can I purchase it?

Thank you. :)


Anonymous said...

Your room is really cute. I loved your font that you have for your Important Times and your pe, lunch and specials. Could you tell me how you did that or what you used?

Unknown said...

I'd love to know what font you used for the important times display. It's so cute!