Sunday, August 28

Week in Review- Math

I'm sorry it's been a little while since my last post.  My husband was out of town last week, making it a much more busy week.

As I mentioned in a few previous posts, my first grade team spent many hours this summer creating our own math curriculum-- based on several different research-based programs (of course!).

Here's what the second week of math looked like in my classroom:

Whole Group Lessons:
We spent the whole week learning about patterns.  We watched the Brain Pop Jr. pattern video as a quick introduction.  I love this website!  The children practiced rhythmic patterning by clapping while I read "Caps for Sale" and tapping them while we sang "Going on a Bear Hunt."  We also completed a flipchart on the Promethean Board to learn how to create, extend and label patterns.

Independent/Partner Work:

 I gave each of the kids a pattern block template from our Everyday Math program.  They were allowed to create any pattern using the shapes.  I was really impressed with how they turned out.

 The kids worked in partnerships to create patterns with either bears, Unifix cubes, or links.  One person created a pattern and the other had to copy it.  They had to make three different patterns.

To the right is an activity I like to do each year.  Each child is given Fruit Loops to create a pattern of choice.  They glue them on then label their pattern by color, number and letter.  They always like this activity because they get to each the leftover cereal!

Click here to download your copy.

We also did the name pattern sheet, but I forgot to take pictures of it.  I blogged about it earlier here.  You can get a free copy of that page by clicking on the link.

 Math Notebook:

 To the Left:
7 ways to make the number 6.

To the right: Our first problem solving label was just a way to start a discussion about numbers.  We will get into addition soon.

To the left- Class graph: do you have a pet?  Click here to download a copy.   To the right- Estimation:  I brought in a bag of Hershey Kisses.  They had to guess how many and write their guess.  We came to the carpet and counted together.  Then each child went back to their notebook and wrote the correct answer and then "I was too high" or "I was too low."


Mrs. Lochel said...

I love the fruit loop patterning! Thank you for sharing!

hsamuelson said...

Very cool ideas!
Thanks for sharing!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for sharing your pattern activity!

Unknown said...

This is awesome article, I really enjoy reading it and especially with all these lovely kids. thanks for your sharing to all together. Regard - Blogger Search Engine

Shea A said...

Great reeading your blog post