Friday, September 30


It has been WAY too long since my last post and all I can say is I'm sorry and WOW!  September sure did fly by!  I can't believe tomorrow is already October.  I have been so busy at school and at home-- blogging just hasn't been a top priority.  But, to make up for it I have some free stuff!

I have spent the last few weeks in math teaching number sense.  The children have learned about tally marks, even and odd, greater than/less than, and using the number line and hundreds chart as tools.  We have also just started addition strategies (+0, +1, and doubles).  Each week we continue to work in our math notebook practicing graphing, ways to make a number, problem solving, and estimation.  And, can I tell you my kids have gotten TONS better at estimating.  Problem solving-- well, that's still a work in progress :) 

Below are some of the resources that I have used for either math tubs or the math notebook recently.  Click on the pictures to download.

A math tub activity to practice ordering numbers from least to greatest.  The directions aren't on the document.  You will need to cut apart the food cards.  Have the children sort the cards by the color around the outside of each card.  Then, they will order the four cards in the set from least to greatest.  Lastly, they will record their answers on the recording sheet.
A math tub activity to practice patterning
A class graph for the math notebook.  We do the graph together as a class.  I go around the room and allow each child to answer the question.  For this graph, the children colored in the fruit pictures as we we polled each child.
A math tub activity to practice labeling patterns
Problem solving for the math notebook (these are made to fit on 2 X 4 labels)
I promise I don't spend the whole day teaching math.  I'm just excited to be teaching our new curriculum this year.  Our reading time is a little more dictated by the basal (Harcourt Storytown), so it's not as much fun to blog about.  I also haven't spent much time creating word work activities because I've found so many great ideas on other blogs (why re-invent the wheel?). 
I hope you enjoy the free downloads.  I'm going to try and get back into the blogging groove.

Monday, September 5

Top 10 and Some Skip Counting

I was so excited to check my e-mail tonight and see that my blog was picked by two different bloggers as a Top 10 Blog!!  Thank you so much Laura from First Grade Fundamentals and Ashley from Me and Marie Learning.

On to math...  We spent the past week skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s.  The new Core Standard is to count to 120, instead of just 100.  This was a bit of a challenge for many of my kiddos-- even though most were very good at counting to 100.  We'll keep working throughout the year on counting past 100. 

I was out 2 days to be a part of the DIBELS testing team.  Therefore, I don't have any pictures, but there are several free downloads from the week.

Math Lessons:
We started off on Monday counting by 10s.  This was easy for most.  I used a 100s chart to give a visual.  We discussed that skip counting by 10 is the same as adding 10 (another Core Standard).  I used these posters I found at as another visual.  We played the game "I have, who has" and I had parents come to paint the kids' feet.  The feet were used to create a giant number line in the hall.  I can't believe I didn't take a picture of our finished product.  I'll do it tomorrow!

Tuesday we focused on the fives.  The lesson was very similar.  Then each child traced one hand to add to the number line.  We also played "I have, who has- counting by 5s"

Wednesday-- you guessed it...we learned how to count by 2's!  Again, I got out the 100s chart and discussed adding two.  The twos are much harder than the 5s and 10s.  We will continue to practice these.  Here's the I have Who Has game for counting by 2s.  I sent home a letter the week before requesting that each child bring in a pair of cute socks.  These were used for the number line.  The socks that were brought in were precious!  (I don't have a copy of the letter.  It was created by a teammate.  Each class sent home the letter.  The first grade team created one number line upstairs and another one downstairs on our halls).

Thursday we reviewed counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s.  We used this counting ladder sheet.  It turned out to be a little challenging for my kids, but doing it as a whole class helped.  I'm sorry I don't remember where I found this page.  If it's yours please let me know so I can give you credit.

Math Notebook:
Monday- Quick images on the Promethean Board (not really in the notebook, but that's the time I used)

Tuesday- Graphing- Are you a boy or a girl?  Click here for the label.

Wednesday- Estimation- this week a child brought in Starbursts to estimate

Thursday- Problem Solving- Write your first name and last name.  How many letters in each?  How many letters all together?  Which one has the most letters?  Which one has the least letters?  Click here for the label.

Independent Practice:
I spent most of the time this week teaching my kids how to do math tubs, which will start next week.  They learned how to use IXL, play War, and how to use the Unifix Pattern sheet.  (The pattern sheet was created by the teachers on my team.  This sheet will stay in their work folder for several weeks.  They will use it to build certain patterns with Unifix cubes.  The children will build a pattern, repeat it three times, then have a partner check the pattern.  The kids will be able to go to this activity after they finish one of the math tubs each week.) 

I hope everyone has a great, short, week teaching!  Having the day off today was SO NEEDED!  I feel rested and ready to return tomorrow.  Happy Labor Day!